+7 (40153) 22 415

I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it
Pablo Picasso

My profession is my future

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” said one of the great philosophers. We all know it’s not easy to find a hobby to our liking when you’re still in high school. But the last “Farewell Bell” will ring and you will have to choose your future profession. How do you make it yourself if you don’t know anything about working?

Specialists of TMC Stimul practically demonstrated to younger generation the importance and the content of managerial and production work.

Elementary and high school students were able to see the laboratories, warehouses, production workshops and the processes taking place there.

The kids participated in the workshop, and the ninth-grade students listened to the presentation where the leaders told about the main tasks of their departments and recommended educational institutions that train specialists for their departments.


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